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Showing posts from October, 2017

The paramour universe, background to the stories

Motivation: I have done one story and I am working on a follow-up. I have a list of constraints, of what can happen in my fictional world and what is off limits. The story is inspiring other writers and artists as well, and some follow-up artwork has appeared. With that in mind, below is the background of my fictional paramour universe. Our contemporary society The paramour universe is supposed to be the world that we live in, here and now. It is not a parallel universe with different laws, and it does not play in a distant future. The bondage is non-consensual. (There may be a few exceptions; some women may like to be a paramour, but they are a small minority.) Non-consensual bondage is, of course, illegal. It is important, therefore, that the "patrons" of the paramours try to avoid to attract the wrong kind of attention (like: the attention of law enforcement). On the one side, patrons portray the paramour scheme as "consensual" to society. Paramour...